Rates & Insurance


Sessions for Individuals are approximately 60 minutes (current industry standard is 45 minutes) and the fee is $200.

Initial Couples Sessions are approximately 80 minutes and the fee is $275.  Subsequent sessions are approximately 60 minutes and the fee is $200.


I expect payment at the time service is rendered.

Most clients who bank online use the Zelle quick pay app available through their online banking. I also accept check, credit card or cash payment.


I ask that you pay me directly, and then file for whatever reimbursement is owed you by your insurance company.  Since I am not a participating provider in any of the managed care networks, all reimbursement is on an out-of-network basis.  If you plan to file for insurance reimbursement, I would be glad to send you a monthly statement.  It would then be your responsibility to handle the remainder of the claims process.


To allow me an opportunity to fill time that is cancelled, I need at least twenty-four (24) hours notice.  It is my practice to bill for missed appointments and late cancellations.

If you have any questions or concerns, I would be happy to discuss them  with you.